Château de Tanlay - Privatization - Season 2024

The Castle can be privatized for private events

Organizing weddings is not possible

The Château de Tanlay is a private residence, inhabited by the same family since Louis XIV. Each generation has contributed to restoring, transforming and enriching the interiors. 

The privatization of the visited parts is possible for private events such as cocktail parties, receptions, dinners, lunches.

Possibility to privatize the Trompe l'oeil Gallery for conferences and concerts.

Privatization possible

  • Tuesday all day (the Castle is closed to the public)
  • Every day after 18:30 (including holidays and public holidays)
  • For any other day, please contact us


Please consult us for any request - We will send you a quotation.

Contact Us

Monday to Friday

from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:30

Contact form

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